Department of Health and Human Services grants: Indian Health Service funding opportunities
Notah Begay III (NB3) Foundation
The NB3 Foundation’s mission is to prevent type 2 diabetes and childhood obesity through sports and health and wellness programs. Examples of programs include soccer, golf, grant making, health and wellness, and more.
White House Native Youth Report (2014)
This White House report acknowledges past federal policies and the impact on the education of Native students, explores the breadth of challenges facing Native children, and makes recommendations for a path moving forward.
Adolescent and School Health, Center for Disease Control
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Adolescent and School Health. Includes tribal grants for studies and programs to prevent a variety of youth health issues.
Substance Abuse and Suicide Prevention (SASP) Technical Assistance
A demonstration project for IHS, Tribal, and Urban Indian health programs. The SASP (formerly MSPI) aims to increase access to methamphetamine and suicide prevention services, improve the quality of behavioral health services associates with meth use and suicide prevention, promote the development of new and promising services that are culturally and community relevant, and demonstrate efficacy and impact.
One Sky Center
Has resources for mental health, substance abuse and suicide prevention to improve prevention and treatment of mental health and substance abuse problems and services among Native people.