Provides technical assistance to rural communities and HRSA grantees that need assistance in identifying and selecting appropriate telehealth technologies to better serve their communities.
Campfire USA
Provides all-inclusive, coeducational youth development programs in hundreds of communities across the US.
Native Project Indian Youth Leadership Camp
Uses the power of traditional culture and fun to engage youth and families in healthy activities to prevent childhood obesity, diabetes, drug and alcohol use, school dropouts and teen pregnancy.
Center for Indigenous Health
Works with Native communities to raise their health status, self-sufficiency and leadership to the highest possible level.
Center for Disease Control Data & Statistics on Injury Prevention & Control
CDC’s Injury Prevention & Control: Data & Statistics via Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System via Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS)
Native STAND 2.0
Native Students Together Against Negative Decisions (STAND) is a free, peer education curriculum to promote healthy decision making.