is an interactive multi-media platform for Two-Spirit news and media. 2SJ provides original content of news and current events to educate, build connectivity and to put a face and voice to the diverse & vibrant Two-Spirit community in the United States and Canada.
The Center for Native American Youth at The Aspen Institute (CNAY) is partnering with the Arcus Foundation on a new one-year project to better understand the current landscape of Native LGBTQ+ and Two-Spirit youth perspectives, needs, strengths, and resources.
This report by Native Americans in Philanthropy and Common Counsel Foundation focuses philanthropic attention on the need for increased investment in and sustained support for Native communities.
Helps high schools, school districts, and their partners design and implement strategies to prevent suicide and promote behavioral health among their students.
Was made permanent in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010. See full text of the bill, or a summary of key provisions.
The Tragedy of Native American Youth Suicide (2010) by Senator Byron Dorgan