With support from the National Urban Indian Family Coalition (NUIFC), the Center for Native American Youth (CNAY) worked with youth leaders during the 2018 election cycle in Get Out the Vote (GOTV) and Native Vote efforts. CNAY worked to identify eight youth leaders from Portland, Chicago, Las Vegas, Oklahoma City, Bismarck, Phoenix, Albuquerque, and Spokane. Youth held tribal community gatherings and feeds drove voters to the polls, hosted town halls, and more. Together, Native youth were able to spread the importance of the election, and ultimately, raise the voter turnout for Native American people. CNAY worked closely with youth to strengthen ties to communities, empower youth leaders in their efforts, and provide resources and support to implement their projects. The full report features summaries of GOTV efforts coordinated by youth throughout Indian Country, including YAB Members Nancy Deere-Turney, Mikah Carlos, Anthony Tamez, as well as Movement Builder Fellow Austin Weahkee. Read the full report here.