July 26, 2019 | McAllen, TX — As part of the Native Voices Network (NVN), the Center for Native American Youth and over 30 other Native organizations, took a stand with the Carrizo-Comecrudo against the wrongful incarceration and separation of migrant families seeking asylum or immigration to the United States. On, Saturday, July 27th in McAllen, Texas at Los Encinos Park NVN acted, helping to host a peaceful rally near one of the ICE detention facilities. During the event, a Carrizo-Comecrudo elder opened with prayer and blessings, Congresswoman Deb Haaland sent a special video message, and CNAY Champ and Gen-I Ambassador Anthony Tamez spoke about the importance of youth voice.

Acting with NVN was important as Native communities are all too familiar with the trauma inflicted at government-established borders. U.S. authorities-imposed separation policies, termination policies, removal policies, and more against the First Peoples of the U.S.

To learn more about the Carrizo-Comecrudo tribe, their fight to protect their villages, and the rally click here.
To watch the live stream of the rally, click here.
To learn more about NVN and how you can support the network, go to their website: http://nativevoicenetwork.nationbuilder.com/