Charles Mason Continues Socktober Initiative in Oklahoma

At twelve years old, Charles Mason (Muscogee Creek Nation) joined the Mvskoke Nation Youth Council and used the Gen-I Challenge to help found Socktober in his community. Socktober is a month-long initiative where socks, toothbrushes, tooth paste, soap, towels, and other toiletries are collected to help those in need. Charles has helped with this program for the last three years. This year, he and his peers collected 269 pairs of socks as well as other essentials for those in need in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma.

In addition to his work with the Mvskoke Nation Youth Council, Charles is involved with United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc., (UNITY), another organization that specializes in Native youth leadership development. Charles is also a Gen-I Ambassador.

Learn more about Charles and the Socktober initiative here. Click here to connect with the Mvskoke Nation Youth Council on Facebook. Way to go Charles!