Terran Poitra

2023 Creative Native Artist

Mandan Hidatsa Arikara Nation, Sicangu Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, Turtle Mountain Chippewa

Age: 22

Hello, I greet you all with a good heart. My name is Terran Ree Poitra, the the second born daughter of Delaine Clairmont and the late Cornell Poitra Sr. I am an enrolled member of the Mandan Hidatsa Arikara Nation. I currently reside on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in Newtown, ND. I am a member of the Awaxia, the Dripping Dirt Clan. My other tribal affiliations include the Sicangu Lakota Oyate (Rosebud Sioux), Northern Cheyenne and Turtle Mountain Chippewa. I practice traditional ways of life through ceremony, advocacy, dancing, kinship, art and living a sober lifestyle.

It took a long time to find what home meant after the loss of my father. I found it through prayer, siblings and friends. They helped show me I am here to love, exist and heal. To make art. They helped me through grief, sadness and loneliness. I depicted a sweat lodge in the center and a sacred fire. I used colors from the four sacred directions. Above the lodge is teepees, an eagle and our universe. The eagle is sacred and carries our prayers to creator. I put myself in the center, and those I adore most around me.