Miah Chalfant, also known as Heóvá’é’e (Yellow Haired Woman), is a Native American Contemporary Ledger and Western Artist. Her roots are deepest on her homelands of The Northern Cheyenne Tribal Reservation, in Southeastern Montana, where she is also an enrolled member. Being an artist and rancher has allowed her to pay homage to every aspect of her life. Studying traditional design, she takes this knowledge and uses it to honor her ancestors through contemporary uses of color and modern ideas. Not only is she an artist but also a storyteller of her tribe’s oral histories and teachings.
Home is where the medicine is. Home is where we are able to heal ourselves and grow. Coming home can look like coming back to the reservation, visiting a park that comforts you, or maybe even picking medicines when you need them. Our connection to the land and things that live on it is our connection to our ancestors that can never be taken away. This piece is inspired by the act of picking medicine, honoring the land, and making a lodge where we feel like home is.