I am a junior at Parker School. I have most recently become interested in photography and mixed media. Before that, I was also passionate about pottery. I like to think my art represents not only me, but also a piece of my ancestors who made art before me to showcase their heritage and culture.
Submission 1: My first piece is a representation of the ‘aina (island) that I live on. I am from the island of Hawai’i and within Native Hawaiian culture, water can be seen as an integral part of life. I hope my photo is able to capture the beauty and vitality of home to Native Hawaiians – the place I am most familiar with.
Submission 2: My art gives a snapshot of history suffering that indigenous people have gone through. On the left side, it shows the remnants of the beauty that was once the land of many indigenous tribes. The people within the horse show the sufferings that occurred because of people such as conquistadors, who brought animals like horses over. The right side shows modern life and the fact that many cities are built over the lost lands of indigenous people. I believe that my art is going to help promote awareness about the struggles that indigenous people have faced and continue to face.