Danielle Frank

2025 Brave Heart Fellow, 2024 California Native Youth Ambassador

Hupa & Yurok

Hoopa, CA

Danielle is a Hupa and Yurok Native. She has been deeply involved in the cultural and political aspects of her community from a very early age. Born during the beginning of a 20-year resistance to undam the Klamath River led by her tribal communities, Danielle grew up learning from strong Indigenous activists. In August of 2022, Danielle accepted the title of Miss Na:tini-xwe’ from the Hoopa Tribe, serving as a role model for young Native Women and as a Cultural Ambassador for the Hoopa Valley Tribe.

During her time as a 2025 Brave Heart Fellow, Danielle plans to study the impact of large-scale hydroelectric projects, both on the environment and river-based communities who rely on the waters these projects destroy.