Amber Manitowabi-Huebner is Anishnaabe (Ojibway) from Marquette, MI. She is Bear Clan and an enrolled citizen of Wiikwemkoong First Nation, an Unceded Indigenous reserve in Ontario, Canada. She was adopted at birth, growing up in a non-native family. Despite facing adversity as a native child in the foster care system, Amber graduated from Northern Michigan University in 2021 with a degree in Community Health Education on a basketball scholarship. She is passionate about serving Native Tribes and helping tribal members live healthier, more fulfilled lives, who unfortunately, have the poorest health in the United States. Amber has worked for the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians as a Community Health Educator but took time off to attend the Wizipan Program in South Dakota to get her certificate in Leadership and Sustainability. Currently, she is attending the University of Alabama online pursuing a degree in Population Health Sciences. Her interests include Obesity, Tobacco Use, Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse, and Sexual Health.