Chehuntamo Yaati (How are you, family?)! Hey there, friends! I’m Vanae, and guess what? I started my amazing journey when I was just 6 years old by publishing my very own book! With a little help from my awesome mom, I’ve created some super cool coloring books that are perfect for kids of all ages.
You know what else I love? Nature! Exploring the great outdoors is one of my favorite things to do. And guess what else? My family’s history and culture are super duper important to us. I’m a proud member of the Yamassee Nation of Seminole.
The Moon as a Protector and Guide: In many Native American traditions, including those of the Yamassee and Seminole, the moon is often seen as a protector and guide for the people. The moonlight was believed to help guide hunters and warriors at night, offering protection and direction.