“Boozhoo! Niin Lauren ndizhinikaazh, Bangishimo Kwe indigoo. Mishiike indoodem.”
Lauren, also known as “Sunset Woman” by their loved ones, is an Ojibwe 2SLGBTQ+ youth working to improve their communities and assist in helping other Native youth. This interest was sparked from their own life experiences and personal hopes for a future in which Native youth are thriving and believed in. Lauren has worked with CNAY on a Democracy is Indigenous project and serves as a Youth Food Representative with Detroit’s American Indian Health and Family Services. They also work on the Reimagining Children’s Rights project.
Lauren’s interests include Indigenous food sovereignty, Native rights, youth rights, language revitalization, and 2SLGBTQ+ rights. In their spare time, Lauren loves to hang out with friends and family, make art and play video games. Mii iw!