The mission of UNITY, Inc. (United National Indian Tribal Youth) is to foster the spiritual, mental, physical and social development of American Indian, Native Hawaiian and Alaska Native youth, and to help build a strong, unified and self-reliant Native America through greater youth involvement.
UNITY promoted a national Get Out the Native Vote PSA campaign in collaboration with CNAY. UNITY recruited and trained 250 Native youth organizers to create minute-long PSAs promoting voter registration and turnout, awarding the top 20 with funding.
Not only did UNITY recruit 250 Native youth organizers, but surpassed the target by engaging 310 participants from diverse tribal nations who attended one of four webinars focused on voter education and community engagement. Each organizer received comprehensive virtual training on PSA creation, messaging techniques and civic advocacy through two toolkits developed by UNITY. The PSAs produced were widely circulated, with over 87,000 collective views on social media platforms.