Landyn Z.

The Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians

Age: 16

Hello, my name is Landyn. I am a 16-year-old member of the Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians (also known as the “People of the River”). Our native language is Northern Lushootseed. I am a high school student at Lake Washington Technical Institute. I am a second-year intern with Urban Native Education Alliance program. I am a member of the Eastside Native Education Program. I like to play ice hockey, paintball, photography, glass art and listen to music. I enjoy working with salmon and learning how to protect their habitat and waterways.

To me, home is wherever you are surrounded by people who love you and care about protecting you and our Creator’s gifts. My glass-art piece is titled “Healing Waters,” inspired from the spiritual energies of our Medicine Wheel and molded into a large bird-bath bowl to serve as a reminder on how vital clean water is for all life. Our families, our communities and our animals all depend upon clean fresh water. As we watch the water collect, we are coming together and reminded of the power we have to heal our waters and protect our Creator’s blessings.