I’m a senior at Widefield High School in Colorado Springs. I take art classes at Pikes Peak State College. My artwork mediums consist of acrylic, Prismacolor Pencils, India Ink, graphite and ink. I’ve been in a district art show and won an Award of Excellence for one of my pieces. I’m currently taking a Navajo Language and Government course to learn more about my culture. Through my artwork, I want to be an advocate and teach others about Native culture. I always try to add some things into my art that portrays something about me.
My art represents myself being home. When I look at the canyon, I admire the beauty of the colors of the rocks. Whenever I wear my jewelry that was made by my family members, that reminds me of how much I mean to them. I reminisce about my mother teaching me how to weave when I look at a rug. I drew a Tsiiyeel bun because I remember having my hair up in that bun during my Kinaalda. The jewelry in the piece is the jewelry I wore during the ceremony and holds a special place in my heart.