By: Roger Beyal, Navajo Nation, Generation Indigenous Ambassador “Yá’át’ééh, My name is Roger Beyal Jr, Ádóone’é nishłínígíí’éí (My Clans are)…

Center for Native American Youth
Center for Native American Youth
By: Roger Beyal, Navajo Nation, Generation Indigenous Ambassador “Yá’át’ééh, My name is Roger Beyal Jr, Ádóone’é nishłínígíí’éí (My Clans are)…
You may be hearing a lot about the Census and may be thinking, why is my or my communities participation important? By…
By: Lyric Aquino, Tewa from Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo, 2019 NAJA Fellow When I check my ethnicity on government forms, I…
Dear Native Youth, This is a tough time. This is a time that is testing the strength of our nations,…
CNAY is working to ensure Native youth voices and needs are heard during this time and that we are continuing to put youth…
By: Owen Oliver, 2020 Champion for Change This piece was written and curated on the lands of the Tlingit People…